Thursday, April 21, 2011

Let me discover myself! favorite author...he was a champion in understanding human nature. He only one of his short stories, if a girl loves a boy, surest way of knowing that is...she will be missing him, and getting worried, if he doesn't show up. And if a guy loves a girl, he will feel like giving her lots of gifts :)

I don't know of the guy part. I missed you today. I was worried. I looked for you everywhere, amidst the self imposed curfew. I could see some orange shirt around your place, and said to myself, this is not him, he can't wear this color - see I have got to know your tastes so well...

Why do I have the feeling that you have cold? I hope you are fine. Miss you. I want to spend an entire day with you...only you. Just a day. We will walk around and see the city in the morning. And in the night we'll go and drink :) And we'll talk all the time, and never about work, I promise...I don't know what got me that day. Even I want not to hold myself back. Will you let me live, please? I want a life.

Bus boldiya. Now it's your turn to find out this post and ask me out. I am such a romantic fool na?

If you ask me, I won't say no - I have drank apple and cinnamon tea (it was dreadful). So whatever other tea you ask me, red, green, orange :( anything. I need you. I know we are not very good friends, and what's going on in my mind, I cannot speak aloud. But you seem very close. I must be crazy. Nikhil wants me to ask you out. How can I? You will run away this time, surely. You know something? Even Anitha laughed, mostly at your surname, and she also thinks I am crazy. But I keep looking out for you, all day. I am especially impressed by your dressing sense. And you look like some olden day Bengali hero in my eyes. It's just two weeks left, and we might never meet again. Who knows about life, life is so uncertain. Who knows whether I will come back.

I want it to happen by April. I want to discover you. You might have time till May, I don't. Please hurry up, for my sake.

I am crazy. Ignore me, don't pay heed. But on second thoughts, please do...

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