Sunday, October 14, 2007


If I do not capture these sparkling, awe inspiring moments of my life in words, that'd be the greatest crime done to love by mankind :)...I was a different me before I met him...and I am a transformed me when in his company...have you ever blushed? Have you ever found a cup of tea so musical? And someone's word so lyrical...and smile so magical? I don't know why life gives me such moments, which must have been rare on earth, since Adam and Eve's times, not a couple have been so happy together, at least not the girl in the couple. I find undefined happiness when by his side...I stammer, I become beet red upto my cheek, yet yet these are the moments which can make me overcome everything negative that has happened in my life or perhaps are yet to happen. And I am myself, talking aloud about my deafness...and telling him that I can hardly hear half of what he tells. I remember his words, a song is no song 'til you sing it....and it is for me, for whoever, I care a damn...Just wanted to let you know that I am singing....o what serenity music has...and what peace your mind feels when atlast you know...the man of your dreams is with you.