Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The incomplete fulfillment...

It is so nicely prepared too, D' is supposed to have thorns, but they don't even prick. Is this the way dreams are supposed to come true? Dreams which I have wasted a lifetime on? And it came true at a juncture where I have to waste it off?

It sounds funny but no man ever has given me a flower on my birthday. It is a common custom that men give women flowers, but nobody ever saw me in that light. And this gentleman just walks in and hands me over a rose and a chocolate. He injected truth in the lifeless outlines of my abandoned dreams, abandoned to this extent that I gave up all expectations and bought my own flowers.

For the first time in my life, I am so happy, and so extremely heartbroken. What an ironical situation God has created. I can't express myself tonight. I, the ever verbose me, am at a sheer loss of words...

As of now let me sleep with a heart full of leftover happiness. And togetherness...

This was the song I started this birthday with...

And this, is what I have earned, with this lifetime of faith in love...isn't it beautiful?

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