Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bliss, punctuated... ;)

Today I went to Garia bus stand after a long time. That too by bus. I dismissed the driver yesterday. He was being extremely audacious. I am not an oppressive person. But I don't tolerate insubordination. Whatever. Traveling by bus was relaxing and liberating. And a 10 minutes wait at the bus stop brought back a surge of childhood memories. Doesn't that straight road ahead lead to Molly's house? My visiting the place as a child - those S-14 rides that took forever and covered half of Calcutta. So much has changed since then. The place is so congested - that one wonders how the huge buses fit in...and so many memories - the shopping for our housewarming, the movies with my friends or my brother, the eating out, the cheap dresses I used to buy, the 4-5 days' experience of studying in the general stream - when I got admitted at Dinabandhu Andrews College with Electronics honours. Ah, that was yet another struggling period of my life.

Why am I writing about such mundane things? Because I can't write about what I want to talk...expression of positive emotions is definitely not my strong point. I can't write and tell the world that I am happy. My happiness is positively cursed, it never stays and while going away, it takes the other good things I had. I am prejudiced about this...

But how can I deny that I experienced sheer bliss this afternoon. That one soul connection with a person you love can take you to the seventh heaven in a moment. I don't know. All I beg from God and fervently pray to Him is about just a few days of stability. Just don't desecrate this wonderful time with something heart breaking. Let me live my dream in silence. Afterwards, I can live this life in the usual zombie style. It's gotta get easier. :)

OK - disclaimer: If you are reading this, this is madness, please don't take it seriously. It was my promise to myself that I won't stop myself from indulging in any madness whatsoever...there is nothing more to this. Honestly...

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