Sunday, December 14, 2014


I want to write a lot of things, if only I could find the right words. My happiness seems to have drowned my skills for expression. Is it happiness even? Does getting to a no man's land create joy? I don't know. I just know that music has been pouring in, like God's blessings, and it transcends my days and nights. At 3:30 in the night it'd be like - I don't want to sleep yet please...just one more song. At 11 in the morning it'd be like - mom, I am going upstairs to take my bath...and then I'd forget my bath and start exploring songs I haven't heard for ages, and I didn't believe till now that I'd feel like hearing ever again. I get stubborn inside the car, if some other channel than 98.3 would be tuned to - no I want 98.3 only. I have no idea why I do that...they play very less songs and huge amount of ads, or two songs they play touches the chord - way no other channel does.

Yesterday, was a Saturday night I enjoyed a lot, way I used to enjoy in SG or Prague. I spent it all by myself, staying up alone till late...and just being blissfully happy. I don't know when again I will be feeling even wee small vestiges of this happiness, so I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. I don't know about a tomorrow, tomorrow still scares me, tomorrow still has important, irreversible decisions to take, or may be just watch on silently as life takes away that opportunity of deciding for myself what I want. But I don't want that tomorrow to even touch my today. My today is pure extravagant bliss. I have never known happiness in this way, baseless, undemanding happiness that too.

All I know is, if there was no God, I couldn't have seen this day, I would never ever have even dreamed of it...with all my imagination. But stay grounded my girl, tomorrow can be very different...I don't forget to tell myself :)

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