Friday, July 19, 2013

Untitled thoughts again...

I try to look away from this space, I try not to vent out my frustrations here, but what to do when it hurts real bad? I don't do anything on impulse. I am a very well planned person. Behind my decision of staying back till 30th September in this loathsome, hurtful, torturous place, were very clear cut reasons. Which probably no one will be able to understand if they can't appreciate my obsession with truth.

What do you call a career? My definition is very simple. A career is when you earn against your work. You work and you receive a compensation. So, what was the main motive in life? I won't rest before I have completed 10 years of career. Agreed that 10 years get over this July 31st. But then, In between jobs I have lost some 24 days (I can even count them out - 5 days between 1st and 2nd job, 16 days between 2nd and 3rd, 2 days between 3rd and 4th and 1 day of LOP in my 3rd job). Besides, in my 2nd job, due to insufficient notice period, they had withheld the last month's salary, so another 31 days (it was December 2004) should be added. So basically around 1 month 24 days later than 31st July would I be eligible to celebrate my 10 years of career, if I am honest to myself. Hence, keeping a buffer of another week, the decision of 30th September as the last date.

Uff, had I known what I am forcing myself to go through when I took that decision. I absolutely hate this place. People are such major hypocrites here. Frankly speaking they are soulless, emotionless, empathy-less robotic beings who know only one thing in life - how to take advantage of others. I am not a loser, I can't walk back on my commitment, but then I am not a very compromising person either. I am struggling, I am badly struggling. I am barely able to calm myself down telling that before I leave this place, I will give everyone a piece of my mind, and would do a major unmasking of the corruption and selfishness and dictatorship involved. But then how do you bring up anything about Duryodhan before Dhritarashtra? He's a blind father right?

I look at the calendar and keep counting days. Does it really matter if I don't complete full 10 years as per the elaborate criteria explained above? Can't I buy some peace for myself before that itself?

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