Thursday, February 23, 2012

Faith and miracle...

Just when I kept repeating to myself every single moment that miracles don't happen for a second time, my second miracle happened. To think my friend, a Sagittarian herself, hand sent in this prediction earlier today:

Nov 23-Dec 22
Single Sagittarians attract a stable and loving partner who brings so much positivity and humour in your life. Married Sagittarians feel there is greater bonding with each other.
Karmic affirmations: “The Universe knows what is best for me. So I will have faith.”

Imagine. Even at that time I had no idea what's going to happen. I know that this is very temporary, and after that I'm gonna lose him for 3 weeks, but at the same time, how can I ever thank God enough for this opportunity? My mind, my heart, my entire life pined away and bled for a coexistence with him. If God has given me this gift unconditionally, for at least 5 more days at a stretch, I don't think at the present moment I could have asked for anything more.

My heart always fears about losing him. That fear will be there till the last day of my life, even if we get married. Because life is so uncertain. But then, the fact, that even amidst such huge turbulence, that our relationship has undergone in the recent days, I haven't really lost him, doesn't it tell the truth about us in a very vociferous way?

I'm sure now that God has been giving me signs for a long time now. Might sound melodramatic, but finally my DTPH learning comes true in life "Woh mujhe batayega". That is why we went out on such a pious day as Monday. That is why his steady resolve that he doesn't want to be with me, was washed away so mercilessly today. And he had to shyly admit that even he felt nice about it. I don't know if there's more to come. All I pray and hope is, everything remains calm and happy for the next few days.

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