Sunday, December 25, 2011

A forgotten 24th December...

There's less than 12 hours left and I definitely don't want to go back. But, when does my wish count. Firstly, treachery is not my forte. I can't just make up a story and say that for so and so reason I cannot join back office in next two weeks or 1 month. I am imaginative enough to make up a 100 convincing stories, but I cannot tell a lie. I'll be caught, the moment I open my mouth. So I simply give in and board the "on time" indigo flight.

Sooner or later I do need to take the decision. It is scary to lose the steady flow of money. But at the same time, I just can't handle this situation. I don't have any hope left in life, relying on which I can sustain a lonely life. I need my parents, I need Kolkata. I just pray to God, that He gives me courage enough, to do the right thing.

One more small thing I wanted to write. It feels strange to have lost him all of a sudden, entirely. He doesn't seem a part of me anymore. I don't feel like sharing my thoughts and small pleasures of life with him. It's not detachment. It's indeed a break up. As a result of which I don't succumb to any pain, I just try even more furiously to live, live on my own. How strange, now that I write this, I realize, I didn't even remember the first anniversary of our meeting. None of us did. In 1 year, we went through everything. Even the end.

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