Sunday, April 24, 2016

Where to?

Regret? What's that? I enjoy my life. There's one small thing that always manages to get me depressed. No, not work. I don't exactly hate my work, I like management, but I hate the circumstances of my work. The professors are such gloated, bloated people. What do they think they are? One gentleman inconsequentially tells me that I can never be a good teacher. All because I was not speaking slowly and was not clearly audible on Skype. If diction was the primary parameter of being a teacher then Tagore or Gandhi would have never made an impact. None of them had the orator's voice. Goes for a toss the fact that I teach at his department with the maximum number of students attending the classes and I am forced to take extra classes on popular demand. I decided not to take any further classes in the next year. If he asks me why, I'd tell him the reason :)

I continue watching movies like a maniac. Jungle Book has unleashed the animal lover in me...I'm watching The Lion King now (Hakuna Matata) and my stubborn pet puppy has taken a bath in a paint pail and is the only green colored doggy on earth right now. I do a lot of shopping, if only for the sick room. I want mom to have all the comforts I can afford for her, after the operation, when she's supposed to be on bed rest for a month. I stay in touch with more family members than I have ever done. All good things...while sure and certain the good days are coming to an end. The duration of this project is almost over, where do I go from here?

No, you're mistaken. That's not what you think it is. Somebody didn't respond to my offer of having beer together, remember? It's just a glass of ice tea which I enjoy my lonely evenings with :) I munch on the ice cubes and tell my non existent audience - see I battled my asthma and won, except for a lot of dust, nothing brings me down anymore, no cold stuff, no stuff that I'm allergic to...but you know what? I battled my loneliness too, and I lost it...So much for being in love, so much for watching Roman Holiday and wishing fervently that there'd be someone on earth who'd tell me, yes your faith in human relationships is justified...

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