Saturday, August 25, 2007

Is true love possible?

His roommate went for a long official tour today. All of us had gone to see him off. Then everyone somehow slipped off with some context or the other...during the homeward journey. We were the only two left in the train. It was the first time I was alone with him...alone and not with other friends. When with the usual crowd he hardly speaks to me, he only observes me. I was wondering what he'd say now. I didn't want him to say anything. I knew in my mind that he loves me crazily. He can kiss each foot step that I take...should he not kiss me once that we are alone? Is language so important, now that we have learnt to speak and become civilized? Love existed between man and woman even before any word was spoken. And when love was created between man and woman it was definitely no greater than the love he has for me. So why should he speak out now that only two of us are there?

My station was approaching. We were silently standing, facing each other, holding the same hand rail. Our hands slightly touched. I was relishing the greatest pleasure of my life from that little nearness. And now that happiness was about to end. My eyes were getting cloudy. This was the only chance that he could tell me. I know how shy he is. Just one more minute to go. We haven't spoken a word to each other ever since the time we were left alone. Please speak darling...I am dying...

"Tea?" -- Just one word. That shook me out of my trance...I absent mindedly said..."milkshake". He laughed and squeezed my hand inside the hand rail. He laughed heartily..."So that was what you were thinking for so long? I have been watching you for the past 20 minutes...I haven't ever seen such myriads of emotion passing by on a single human face till date." Is he teasing me? I somberly replied..."Girls tend to think a lot." He said, "Perhaps...never really studied a girl till date"...a long silence followed...and then he looked into my eyes and said..."except you".

In an even greater silence that followed...two more stations passed by. The very short conversation was only to divert my mind so that I miss my station. We knew words were unnecessary...but he used them so that I find an excuse to stay back. When we got down from the train...I was wondering whether he would hold my hand. He didn't. He just kept walking towards his house. I just blurted out..."so will you make milkshake for me?" He looked back...and smiled. The next sound I heard was that of the keys. He opened the doors for me. I entered and unsure of what to do next...kept standing there. He entered and locked the door, took me by my waist...swirled me in the air once...and then pinned me to the door and lightly touched my left cheek. His lips were quivering and there was a pearl of tear in the corner of his eyes. I was taken aback by his ecstasy but at the same time overjoyed. I embraced him tightly and kept my head on his chest. I had never experienced such peace before.

I always looked for my true love...who doesn't need words to communicate with me. Long back in my childhood someone had said that love requires affinity. In some movie I had heard this statement…affinity means nearness of soul. I have never found that affinity in the men I have known. Don’t even expect to find. But yes…I now get to know that I should wait for my soul mate, instead of marrying someone in haste. I know I might not find him ever…but I owe this much to my romanticism and dreams which I have cherished life long. Today after a long time I feel like crying aloud. Is it so wrong to dream? I want the sky to shed tears for me…it should rain…rain and rain desperately.


Seema said...

Too saccharine a story. So much so that it hurts

Moni said...

Read it after a long long time...that too at a time, when my dreams and romanticism are almost dead...
I know it hurts...but I still believe, if at all love is should be like this...just like this...