Friday, September 2, 2016

The impact...

Here's to the evening when you gave me my new original idea of a story - a story so unique and futuristic that I may never be able to write it...

You make me whole again. You heal me. You make me a crazy confused teen. You're my bubble in the truest sense. Because you make me dream impossible, jerky, never before dreams. You fuel my imagination. I can think of a different world, a world devoid of prejudices, where people are willing to help without any apparent benefit to themselves, a world full of the joy of giving, where open minded people like you and me can live with more contentment. And then my imagination runs wild. What with these incredible things you read, I feel like a grown up girl for the first time in my life. Man, I become the fairytale princess only because you exist. You are my fairytale prince. Just a mirror glass separating us. And then they tell me it's all a story...

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