Friday, August 29, 2014


I am getting mightily obsessed by our website. Night 1 PM, I discover one inconsistency which can very well wait till the next morning, when I can ask my researcher to look into it, but I debate whether to defer it till then, I write a draft mail jotting down the issues, which might serve as a reminder, and then I lose control and jump into making the code changes myself right away...

I always knew I am a narcissist but I never knew I am this bad. There is an entire block dedicated to me, which you might call an eulogy (if eulogies are ever self written)..and I'd spend hours reading it and looking at my accompanying photo. Much like if you take Talking Tom to the wardrobe section, he looks at himself and keeps exclaiming...

I had to go one more time to the bank. The stupid guy (my prospective groom) was so obsessed with my birthday, that he put it in the place of my dad's birthday. I was checking out the FD interest and it won't give me the senior citizen rate. I was furious with the guy for making me lose one day's interest. I stormed into the bank the next day (after again having a shouting marathon at my poor dad) and the manager fixed things up. Thank God the guy was not around this time, else I'd have killed him.

I am almost set upon buying the car, but thing is, I hardly have a lakh or so of liquid cash, rest all are invested. So I have to go for a car loan. This is the first time I am going for a loan and I hate it. But at the same time I am happy that I am not touching my savings. Either I wait another year to save enough money to buy a car, or I pay up a little bit of interest. I choose to do the latter, but I must get the car. I know it is like taking an elephant for a pet, but well...I have to, if I don't do this much for myself, there's no point being a narcissist you see.

I quarreled at home today. 'Welcome' is one of my all time favorite movies because the utter nonsense makes me laugh like crazy and I can take life easy. I wanted to show it to dad. At the same time this musical reality show comes up and I dismissed it - anyways they were having fusion folk today, which is really not my cup of tea. Mom was unhappy but didn't say anything, but gran started shouting. I was so utterly amazed at her selfishness, that as soon as dad decided to change the channel and tuned it to the music program, I just came upstairs and locked myself in my room. I fidgeted a bit, played Candy Crush (the other day I saw Boo's tagline in Whatsapp saying he hates Candy Crush, and I resumed playing it after ages - now don't ask me the reason), did changes to the site, checked my mails, and started  writing this entry, but still my anger hasn't come down. How could she shout man? "Close the door of my room then, if you have decided to watch this trash - this stuff you watch all the time...", and I was not even watching it...I just wanted dad to watch the movie and have fun. It is good that I am not getting married, if I have so much conflict with my family, then what would happen with an unknown person? I guess the best way to enjoy life is to be happy and contented with yourself.

How I wish I could advertise my website. Built it in a month or so, with only two junior members, one of whom is from the English department and could only help with the content. However, as I always say, I'd better remain veiled in anonymity :)

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