Saturday, November 17, 2007

The last few days...

The first question that comes in mind is that whether these actually are the last few don't know how tremendously hopeful a girl she is...she will ruin her own life and keep hoping that everything will be fine. She is all in dreams that her prince will come to visit her in Bangalore...and she will prepare him food and sweets...and how we two would spend time together...She had even happened to dream that he will visit her on her birthday...but then that seemed a bit far she kept herself contented with the dream that he will call me....and wish me....this girl is really the most stupid one on earth. Now that her days are numbered in this country...she doesn't cease laughing even for a while...and that day....I was laughing much so that I had to hide my face...I was sitting beside him....I hid my face on his desk....and then tears started flowing...I was so scared....I hurriedly wiped them and moved to my desk....hope he didn't notice...just going through extremes of emotion...and this reminds me...what about him?

Monday I had reached office early....he didn't even smile at me....I gulped down my half smile....and then we were two professionals sitting side by side and working around 12 he said something and as is his habit, turned towards me, said kyon D... and smiled. We went for lunch shortly afterwards. As we were coming out of the building he murmured that the date has come in....either 30th Nov or 7th Dec. I was very casual....and his voice was quite quite is since that day I find he shows that extra amount of concern for me....I know not why...he says things he shouldn't tell....kabhi alvidah na kehna....bholisi surat...songs only....when did he speak to me except in songs...and then he takes great care in mentioning that I should not think over what he tells, just let go....let go and let go...would anything stay back for Pupu? Then why did he call last evening? It was such a curious and apparently unnecessary call...

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