Sunday, March 11, 2012

Discovering him...

My friends would be frustrated with me. Even I'd be. I am not a suitable person for this role. I am selfish. Typically selfish. I demand things for myself, though I never get them. It is so not in my blood to give give and never to expect anything in return.

But then, typically, how does the happiness linger like this? I have never been so happy in life. Not even on that day in Bintan. No. This is a different happiness. A swelling happiness that emerges from your soul. Can't describe it in words.

The last week, with its numerous shades, has been illuminating to say the least. It is not just light, it's an aura. I know, the light might not stay. Darkness might return. But the full moon we saw together, on Holi night, will always remain etched on my mind.

Today I strongly believe, everything in life is predetermined. God always has a plan. Rest is up to us.

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