Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The story of the lion and rabbit...

Statutory Warning: Drinking is injurious to health, mind and good living. Don't drink and drive. Don't indulge in alcohol abuse. 

Note1: This cartoon doesn't promote drinking. It is aimed at minimizing domestic fights and misunderstandings, so that there is no need for alcohol in life. Love is the best booze available. Get drunk with love :)

Note2: The images were taken from Google clip art. The plot is original.

There is this lion ok...very angry lion he is...
And there is this rabbit ok...very friendly rabbit she is...
Lion is a little thin and dark, rabbit is a little fat and fair, but let's not talk about that...
Lion is always frowning...rabbit is always smiling....
Now how it happens don't ask me, rabbit and lion become friends...
All that was good only man...but rabbit falls in love with lion...
Now tell me, which rabbit has a head on its shoulder, to go and tell this to the lion?
So the rabbit just went and told the lion...lion ji...will you give me a smile?
And so angry so angry...the lion was...it howled and ran after the rabbit...and said...
nonsense fellow you are...why are you asking me to give crap things like smile?

This story has a sad ending man...very sad ending...

The rabbit went away, making a duck face...and since then the rabbit has become a major drunkard... :( :( :(

Here is the story in details, enjoy...

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